
Angel In The Dust Test

1. Where was the farm located?
a. Oklahoma
b. Kansas
c. Arizona
d. Louisana
2. She liked to trace her name in dirt like a chalkboard
a. true
b. False
3. What did they think the Black Blizzard was?
a. Just a big storm
b. end of the world
c. Wind Storm
d. Just clouds
4. What did she make the pipe out of for watering her garden?
a. Tin cans
b. rusted pipes she found
c. cardboard
d. Paper towel rolls
5. She raised money by selling beans and cucumbers
a. true
b. false
6. How did the fire start?
a. Lightening struck
b. Fire Matches
c. Curtain went into the stove
d. The kids
7. Who did they stay with after the fire?
a. ralstons
b. arthurs
c. Joneses.
d. Church
8. What was the color of the new house?
a. brown
b. blue
c. Pink
d. orange