
The Butterfly

1. What is the tone of this story?
a. joyful
b. angry
c. sad
d. happy
2. Where are they when the nazis came?
a. Germany
b. France
c. Spain
d. U.S.
3. Who was Monique's Ghost?
a. Sevrine
b. Solliliage
c. Denise
d. Pinouff
4. What did they call the Nazis?
a. Bad guys
b. Nazis
c. Germans
d. Tall Boots
5. In the garden what did Monique see?
a. Snake
b. Bird
c. Rabbit
d. Butterfly
6. What firgurative language was used most?
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Parillisem
d. Personifiction
7. Who saw the two girls in Moniques Room?
a. Monique's mom
b. Monsieur Lendormy
c. Nazis
d. Sevrine's Parents
8. What did Sevrine give Monique?
a. Picture of her
b. A braclet
c. Her star of david necklace
d. Friendship rings
9. How did Monique know Sevrine was alive?
a. Sent a letter
b. Butterfly flew into her garden
c. She came to Monique's
d. She called